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    1. Useful telephone numbers for tour in Zhangjiajie

      from:Zhangjiajie News Network writer: Read:

          Alarm telephone: 110; Fire reporting telephone: 119; Emergency call: 120

          Traffic barricade: 122; Number infromating: 118114; Weather forecast: 12121

          Price reporting: 12358; Consumer right protection: 12315; sham and shoddy reporting: 12365

          Tourist complaint: 0744-8380193 (urban area) 5712189 (forest park)

          Inquire telephone of Zhangjiajie Hehua Airport: 0744-8238294

          Flight advisory telephone of Zhangjiajie Hehua Airport: 0744-8220128  0744-8227493 0744-8227494

          Airport ticket office: 0744-8238293

          Zhangjiajie Railway Station-master Office: 0744-8512112

          Zhangjiajie City Bus Station 0744-8290881

          Zhangjiajie City Tourism Bureau 0744-8380188

          Zhangjiajie Tourist Agency Industry Management Section 0744-8380185

          Zhangjiajie Forest Park Police Station: 0744-5712381

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      Key : Anonymous